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  • Brockenhurst is the only large village in the UK where stock roams free and there is a need to emphasise that rural uniqueness. FoB continue to oppose planning applications that threaten the village boundary and diminish its rural qualities and promote hedges in place of unsympathetic fencing

  • FoB seeks to influence local planning policy by ensuring village concerns are forcefully expressed in any consultations. 

  • FoB works with other local organisations and event organisers  to manage the number and  impact of events taking place or passing through the village

  • Works with businesses and local voluntary organisations to support village events

  • Provides assistance to  individuals with their concerns regarding planning, noise, litter and traffic issues

  • Monitors planning applications and national and local policies which can impact upon the unique character of Brockenhurst

  • Identifies issues within local and national policy which impact on Brockenhurst and raise with  Parish Council and the National Park at regular meetings  

  • Works to identify solutions to the challenges Brockenhurst faces in maintaining a vibrant village for all ages, with shops, schools, preschool, social activities, public transport and businesses


The Committee shall carry out regular and detailed reviews of all regional, structure and local plans, together with significant local planning applications, making representations as appropriate. Representatives of the Committee meet regularly to study all new aspects of planning and liaise with the National Park Authority if

necessary. Meetings are also held with senior members of the National Park Authority on a regular basis to discuss overall planning policy.

For more information about planning and advice from the New Forest National Park Authority please click here.​

To view current planning applications in the area click here.




The Friends of Brockenhurst have a representative from the Committee who meets regularly with the Parish Council, Brockenhurst Business Association, Brockenhurst C of E Primary School Board of Governors, Greener Brockenhurst and the Church liaising to coordinate and manage the village events held throughout the year. 

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